
Title Online Identifier Coverage Depth Publisher Publication Type Subjects
IEEE Open Journal of the Computer Society2644-1268fulltextIEEESerialComputing and Processing
IEEE Open Journal of the Industrial Electronics Society2644-1284fulltextIEEESerialComponents, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Power, Energy and Industry Applications
IEEE Open Journal of the Solid-State Circuits Society2644-1349fulltextIEEESerialComponents, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Photonics and Electrooptics
IEEE Open Journal of Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control2694-0884fulltextIEEESerialEngineered Materials, Dielectrics and Plasmas; Fields, Waves and Electromagnetics
IEEE Open Journal of Vehicular Technology2644-1330fulltextIEEESerialCommunication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Transportation
IEEE Open Journal on Immersive Displays2836-211X fulltextIEEESerialComputing and Processing
IEEE Pervasive Computing1558-2590fulltextIEEESerialComputing and Processing
IEEE Photonics Journal1943-0655fulltextIEEESerialEngineered Materials, Dielectrics and Plasmas; Photonics and Electrooptics
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters1941-0174fulltextIEEESerialEngineered Materials, Dielectrics and Plasmas; Photonics and Electrooptics
IEEE Power and Energy Magazine1558-4216fulltextIEEESerialPower, Energy and Industry Applications; Geoscience
IEEE Power and Energy Technology Systems Journal2332-7707fulltextIEEESerialPower, Energy and Industry Applications; Geoscience
IEEE Power Electronics Magazine2329-9215fulltextIEEESerialPower, Energy and Industry Applications; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems
IEEE Pulse2154-2317fulltextIEEESerialBioengineering; Computing and Processing; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems
IEEE Reliability Magazine2641-8819fulltextIEEESerialGeneral Topics for Engineers
IEEE Reviews in Biomedical Engineering1941-1189fulltextIEEESerialBioengineering; Computing and Processing; Robotics and Control Systems; Signal Processing and Analysis; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies
IEEE Revista Iberoamericana de Tecnologias del Aprendizaje1932-8540fulltextIEEESerialGeneral Topics for Engineers
IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine1558-223XfulltextIEEESerialRobotics and Control Systems; Aerospace; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Computing and Processing; Engineering Profession; General Topics for Engineers; Signal Processing and Analysis; Tran...
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters2377-3766fulltextIEEESerialRobotics and Control Systems; Computing and Processing; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems
IEEE Security & Privacy1558-4046fulltextIEEESerialComputing and Processing; Aerospace; Bioengineering; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Engineered Materials, Dielectrics and Plasmas; Engineering Profession; Fields, Waves and Electromagnetic...
IEEE Sensors Journal1558-1748fulltextIEEESerialSignal Processing and Analysis; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Robotics and Control Systems
IEEE Sensors Letters2475-1472fulltextIEEESerialComponents, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Robotics and Control Systems; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Signal Processing and Analysis
IEEE Signal Processing Letters1558-2361fulltextIEEESerialSignal Processing and Analysis; Computing and Processing; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies
IEEE Signal Processing Magazine1558-0792fulltextIEEESerialSignal Processing and Analysis; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Computing and Processing
IEEE Software1937-4194fulltextIEEESerialComputing and Processing
IEEE Solid-State Circuits Letters2573-9603fulltextIEEESerialComponents, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Computing and Processing
IEEE Solid-State Circuits Magazine1943-0590fulltextIEEESerialComponents, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Engineered Materials, Dielectrics and Plasmas; Aerospace; Computing and Processing; Fields, Waves and Electromagnetics; Geoscience; Robotics and Control Syst...
IEEE Systems Journal1937-9234fulltextIEEESerialComponents, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Computing and Processing
IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Letters2836-628XfulltextIEEESerialComponents, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Computing and Processing; General Topics for Engineers
IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Magazine2333-942XfulltextIEEESerialSignal Processing and Analysis; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Computing and Processing; General Topics for Engineers; Power, Energy a...
IEEE Technology and Society Magazine1937-416XfulltextIEEESerialGeneral Topics for Engineers; Engineering Profession
IEEE Technology Policy and EthicsfulltextIEEEOther
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems1557-9603fulltextIEEESerialAerospace; Robotics and Control Systems; Signal Processing and Analysis; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies
IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing1949-3045fulltextIEEESerialComputing and Processing; Robotics and Control Systems; Signal Processing and Analysis
IEEE Transactions on AgriFood Electronics2771-9529fulltextIEEESerialComponents, Circuits, Devices and Systems; General Topics for Engineers; Computing and Processing
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation1558-2221fulltextIEEESerialFields, Waves and Electromagnetics; Aerospace; Transportation; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity1558-2515fulltextIEEESerialFields, Waves and Electromagnetics; Engineered Materials, Dielectrics and Plasmas
IEEE Transactions on Artificial Intelligence2691-4581fulltextIEEESerialComputing and Processing
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control1558-2523fulltextIEEESerialSignal Processing and Analysis
IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering1558-3783fulltextIEEESerialRobotics and Control Systems; Power, Energy and Industry Applications; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems
IEEE Transactions on Big Data2332-7790fulltextIEEESerialComputing and Processing
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems1940-9990fulltextIEEESerialBioengineering; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering1558-2531fulltextIEEESerialBioengineering; Computing and Processing; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies
IEEE Transactions on Biometrics, Behavior, and Identity Science2637-6407fulltextIEEESerialBioengineering; Computing and Processing; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems
IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting1557-9611fulltextIEEESerialCommunication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology1558-2205fulltextIEEESerialComponents, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Computing and Processing; Signal Processing and Analysis
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers1558-0806fulltextIEEESerialComponents, Circuits, Devices and Systems
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs1558-3791fulltextIEEESerialComponents, Circuits, Devices and Systems
IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing2168-7161fulltextIEEESerialComputing and Processing; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies
IEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental Systems2379-8939fulltextIEEESerialComputing and Processing; Signal Processing and Analysis
IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking2332-7731fulltextIEEESerialCommunication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Computing and Processing
IEEE Transactions on Communications1558-0857fulltextIEEESerialCommunication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies
IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology2156-3985fulltextIEEESerialComponents, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Engineered Materials, Dielectrics and Plasmas
IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging2333-9403fulltextIEEESerialSignal Processing and Analysis; Computing and Processing; General Topics for Engineers; Geoscience
IEEE Transactions on Computational Intelligence and AI in Games1943-0698fulltextIEEESerialComputing and Processing; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies
IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems2329-924XfulltextIEEESerialComputing and Processing; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; General Topics for Engineers
IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems1937-4151fulltextIEEESerialComponents, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Computing and Processing
IEEE Transactions on Computers1557-9956fulltextIEEESerialComputing and Processing
IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics1558-4127fulltextIEEESerialPower, Energy and Industry Applications; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Fields, Waves and Electromagnetics
IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems2325-5870fulltextIEEESerialCommunication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Robotics and Control Systems; Signal Processing and Analysis; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Computing and Processing
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology1558-0865fulltextIEEESerialSignal Processing and Analysis; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Computing and Processing; Robotics and Control Systems
IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics2168-2275fulltextIEEESerialSignal Processing and Analysis; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Robotics and Control Systems; General Topics for Engineers; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Computing a...
IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing1941-0018fulltextIEEESerialComputing and Processing
IEEE Transactions on Device and Materials Reliability1558-2574fulltextIEEESerialEngineered Materials, Dielectrics and Plasmas; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Power, Energy and Industry Applications
IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation1558-4135fulltextIEEESerialFields, Waves and Electromagnetics; Engineered Materials, Dielectrics and Plasmas
IEEE Transactions on Education1557-9638fulltextIEEESerialGeneral Topics for Engineers; Engineering Profession
IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility1558-187XfulltextIEEESerialFields, Waves and Electromagnetics; Engineered Materials, Dielectrics and Plasmas
IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices1557-9646fulltextIEEESerialComponents, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Engineered Materials, Dielectrics and Plasmas
IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence2471-285XfulltextIEEESerialComputing and Processing
IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing2168-6750fulltextIEEESerialComputing and Processing
IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion1558-0059fulltextIEEESerialPower, Energy and Industry Applications; Geoscience
IEEE Transactions on Energy Markets, Policy and Regulation2771-9626fulltextIEEESerialGeneral Topics for Engineers; Geoscience; Power, Energy and Industry Applications
IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management1558-0040fulltextIEEESerialEngineering Profession
IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation1941-0026fulltextIEEESerialComputing and Processing
IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems1941-0034fulltextIEEESerialComputing and Processing
IEEE Transactions on Games2475-1510fulltextIEEESerialBioengineering; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Computing and Processing
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing1558-0644fulltextIEEESerialGeoscience; Signal Processing and Analysis
IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking2473-2400fulltextIEEESerialCommunication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Computing and Processing; General Topics for Engineers
IEEE Transactions on Haptics2329-4051fulltextIEEESerialComputing and Processing; Signal Processing and Analysis
IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems2168-2305fulltextIEEESerialCommunication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Signal Processing and Analysis; Robotics and Control Systems; Power, Energy and Industry Applications; ...
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing1941-0042fulltextIEEESerialSignal Processing and Analysis; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Computing and Processing
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems2832-7004fulltextIEEESerialComputing and Processing; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Robotics and Control Systems
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics1557-9948fulltextIEEESerialPower, Energy and Industry Applications; Signal Processing and Analysis; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics1941-0050fulltextIEEESerialPower, Energy and Industry Applications; Signal Processing and Analysis; Computing and Processing; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications1939-9367fulltextIEEESerialPower, Energy and Industry Applications; Signal Processing and Analysis; Fields, Waves and Electromagnetics; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security1556-6021fulltextIEEESerialSignal Processing and Analysis; Computing and Processing; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory1557-9654fulltextIEEESerialCommunication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Signal Processing and Analysis
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement1557-9662fulltextIEEESerialPower, Energy and Industry Applications; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems1558-0016fulltextIEEESerialTransportation; Aerospace; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Computing and Processing; Robotics and Control Systems; Signal Processing and Analysis
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles2379-8904fulltextIEEESerialTransportation; Robotics and Control Systems; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering1558-2191fulltextIEEESerialComputing and Processing
IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies1939-1382fulltextIEEESerialComputing and Processing; General Topics for Engineers
IEEE Transactions on Machine Learning in Communications and Networking2831-316XfulltextIEEESerialComputing and Processing; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics1941-0069fulltextIEEESerialFields, Waves and Electromagnetics
IEEE Transactions on Materials for Electron Devices2993-1576fulltextIEEESerialComponents, Circuits, Devices and Systems
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging1558-254XfulltextIEEESerialBioengineering; Computing and Processing
IEEE Transactions on Medical Robotics and Bionics2576-3202fulltextIEEESerialBioengineering; Robotics and Control Systems; Computing and Processing
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques1557-9670fulltextIEEESerialFields, Waves and Electromagnetics
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing1558-0660fulltextIEEESerialComputing and Processing; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Signal Processing and Analysis
IEEE Transactions on Molecular, Biological and Multi-Scale Communications2332-7804fulltextIEEESerialCommunication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Bioengineering; Computing and Processing; Signal Processing and Analysis
IEEE Transactions on Multi-Scale Computing Systems2332-7766fulltextIEEESerialCommunication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Computing and Processing; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems
Total 43875
Unique 234